Following a rigorous methodology is key to delivering customer satisfaction and expanding analytics use cases across the business.
Regulations can be amended by the regulatory bodies that created them and change over time. After loading a regulation into Axon, it’s important to keep the regulation up-to-date and perform an impact analysis via a change request/workflow process on the policies that are connected with each section of the regulations that have changed in order to determine if the policies also need updating.
If policies do require updating because of the regulation change, further impact analysis via a change request/workflow process can be done on the systems, processes, and glossary items related to each of the policies that are also changing to determine if the policies still make sense being associated to those items.
The purpose of Regulatory Amendment and Curation is to achieve the following:
This best practice applies to anyone, who is responsible for monitoring, managing, or maintaining Regulations and for creating company specific Policies based on those regulations. Its purpose is to help organizations establish a process to guide day-to-day usage and management of data in support of regulatory compliance and the above objectives. This applies primarily to the Regulation and Policy facets in Axon, but also may include other facets such as Systems, Processes, and Glossary items that may be associated with the Policies.
Q: How often to look for law/regulation amendments?
A: As needed. can be referenced for updates to existing regulations and the status of other new privacy regulations being enacted.
Q: Who should know when new regulations/statutes happen?
A: Your company’s Legal/Compliance team will either need to keep abreast of this and notify the team’s doing the maintenance work on the Axon accelerator bulk upload spreadsheets or find a 3rd party service to monitor the regulations.
Use a process similar to the one above for the Regulation facet:
Also keep the Terminology (Glossary) bulk upload spreadsheets updated if the definitions have changed in the Regulation.
Use the same process as above to update the old Glossary item definitions with new definitions and create a change request to initiate the workflow process to approve.
NOTE: The old definitions are kept in the workflow history for reference.
Keep the bulk upload and bulk update spreadsheets current with Axon versions as they change (every 6 months or so), making sure the column positions and drop-down choices are correct as Axon is upgraded from one version to the next.
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