This Self-Service Learning Path is organized into 6 stages, with each stage containing key aspects such as:
Plan: Define an approach for the pilot launch of Data Marketplace. Consider what your primary data will be, who you will need to organize it, and what you need to do technically to launch.
Prepare: Discuss and decide on the initial focus for what you will bring into the marketplace. Consider how you will create a structure with categories, governance with terms of use, and manage data operations with delivery methods and who will be in charge of these areas.
Create base content: Create categories, terms of use, delivery templates, data assets, and collections. These can be created manually via the UI, via bulk uploads, or via APIs. The data assets can also be imported from Data Governance and Catalog and then packaged into Data Collections.
Rollout: Launch the Marketplace with an interested audience. Encourage data producers to enrich the content and data consumers to shop for what they need. Track their usage and learn from their interactions.
Curate & Refine: Review progress within Marketplace. Learn from the feedback that has been gathered - why is some data more highly rated than others? Which delivery endpoints and usage types are most popular? Use this knowledge to improve the experience and expand impact.
Automation: Consider where automation could be most impactful for your business. Which popular routes to data do not require approval or could base approval on available metadata? Which popular shared environments could have automated delivery applied to them?