This video is about introduction to WS-HumanTask.
How to Upgrade ActiveVOS Integrated with MDM and Deployed on JBoss
ActiveVOS: Model: Introduction to BPMN
ActiveVOS: JMS: Web Service Interaction using JMS - Presentation/Sample
ActiveVOS Model: ActiveVOS BPMN 2.0 Modeler
ActiveVOS Model: BPMN Boundary Events
ActiveVOS: Security: WS-Security: Part 1
ActiveVOS: Model: BPMN Pools and Lanes
ActiveVOS Model: Handling approvals by email in business processes
How to configure access to ActiveVOS Central in Jboss EAP Servers
Steps to configure LDAP based Authentication in Jboss EAP server
ActiveVOS: Management: Viewing and fixing running processes
ActiveVOS:Event Processing, Reporting, Rules: Integrating with JBoss Rules
ActiveVOS: Deployment: Versioning the process deployments in a SOA
ActiveVOS:Data, Java, Shell and REST Integration:Data Access Service
ActiveVOS: Model: Boundary events in BPMN 2.0
ActiveVOS Implement: Engine-managed Correlation
ActiveVOS Email-Based Approval: Handling Approvals by Email
Configuring Messaging Service in ActiveVOS when deployed on WebLogic Application server
ActiveVOS: Cental and Forms: Learn how to create ActiveVOS Central forms
How to maintain a closed and faulted task in ActiveVOS
ActiveVOS Central and Forms: BPMS Reporting Tutorial
ActiveVOS: Deployment: Deployment Contribution
Introduction to ActiveVOS Admin API
How to deploy BPR using ActiveVoS console
ActiveVOS: Single Sign On for Accessing Task Lists
ActiveVOS:Functional Testing: Creating Test Suites for Business Processes
ActiveVOS: Central and Forms: Using ActiveVOS Central
ActiveVOS:Data, Java, Shell and REST Integration: POJO Vignette
ActiveVOS Implement: Learn How To Implement an Executable Process with ActiveVOS Designer
ActiveVOS: Human Task: Organizing and Searching Tasks in a WS-Human Task Worklist System
ActiveVOS: Deployment: Deploy Processes
ActiveVOS: Human Task: An Introduction to WS-HumanTask
ActiveVOS: JMS: Web Service Interaction using JMS - Demo
How to configure ActiveVOS by running the config deploy script
How to configure ActiveVOS Server on Jboss Application Server?
ActiveVOS: Deployment: Preparing for Contributions
ActiveVOS: Management: Using the ActiveVOS Server Console
Demo: ActiveVOS Designer
How to deploy BPR files using ActiveVOS Designer
How to Create cmx_system, cmx_ors and ActiveVOS Schema
Server monitoring using ActiveVOS Console
ActiveVOS: Security: WS-Security: Part 2
ActiveVOS: Functional Testing: How To Use ActiveVOS Designer Functional Testing
Configuring ActiveVOS with Apache Active MQ JMS Client
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